Hello! I am Danial. An ex-telecoms product executive, whom recently learn to code. Passionate in product management and product development. Learning to code have enabled me to be more hands-on in product development process. My mission is to be able to showcase and market the products I have built!
Hire meWork Experience
I do whatever - decided to learn Software Engineering seriously
Strategic Alliance
Engage with potential vendors
Product Development
Supporting role
Business Information Technology
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
I have always been interested in business and technology, startup landscape. This is where I spent my time developing my attitude, business and technical skills. Courses were 70% business while 30% on computing.
Biological Science *
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
I did not finish but I am grateful for the lecturers that cared and advised me during my time there.
Hacking stuff - software and hardware. Designing functional things, 3D printing the things and iterating to better versions. Learning robotics with AI computer vision is fun using NVIDIA Jetson Nano.